Customers were upset because the wrong products were being shipped to them. Final processing is very unorganized with no standardization causing products to become mixed.
Map out the final processing process
Organize and standardize the work flow utilizing “best practices”
Mistake proof the process flow to permanently correct the mixing of product
Charter a final processing lean team.
Provide lean training.
Create a current state process video.
Develop a current state layout.
Map and Measure the Current Value Stream.
Identify the non-value added tasks.
Map the future state.
Redesign the process utilizing the 5S principles.
Create a new process video.
Present the results to the lean steering team.
Lean Techniques Taught and Utilized:
Lean Manufacturing
Value Stream Process Mapping
5-S Workplace Organization
Visual Factory
Kanban Pull Replenishment System
Results Realized:
Control of product
Tour ready every day
Increased Capacity
Increased On Time Delivery